How NeurOptimal Works
The Problem
Throughout our lives stress, traumas, injuries, medications, tension, and not enough rest can all suppress normal and healthy brain function in children and adults.
Symptoms of Poor Brain Function Can Include:
Anxiety/Depression ● Learning impairment ● Behavioural dysfunction ● Poor sleep ● Poor memory ● Low energy ● Low moods ● Brain fog ● Poor health/immunity ● Negative/overthinking ● Addictions ● Can lead to many disorders
The Solution
Brain training with NeurOptimal neurofeedback can be best described as “meditation in hyper speed”. All the benefits of meditation, but without the work! It is a safe, natural, non-invasive, side-effect free way to improve overall quality of life by restoring natural brain function.
NeurOptimal mirrors the subconscious brain back to itself so it can optimize and achieve its most flexible and resilient state. This state is much more productive, joyful and healthier too. This allows optimal brain function to occur. Neurofeedback brain training is similar to exercise for the body and allows the power of the subconscious (Central Nervous System) to enhance all of our body and brain functions.
Why Might I Need This Training?
Our conscious mind is the “captain of the ship” and trains our subconscious mind. We may have trained the subconscious to overthink, avoid and protect us from anything “bad” happening in our lives. This is like trying to live our life while carrying around 50lbs of armour, it may be useful at one point in our life but makes the rest of it miserable. Brain training simply returns our subconscious to its natural and high functioning state. This means clearing the brain of what it no longer needs so it can focus fully on the task at hand, whatever that may be. By removing learned patterns such as stress, worry, negativity and overthinking that paralyze the brain, it feels as if a weight has been lifted, and our brain can take a deep and relaxing exhale.
What is Happening During a Session?
NeurOptimal® brain training software sends vital information to the (subconscious) brain that it doesn’t normally get via interruptions in a music stream that only our subconscious can perceive. The brain then uses this information to assess its own functioning and improve where necessary. It’s similar to putting a mirror up for the brain to self-correct and has been described as “meditation in hyper speed”, which explains its ability to bring us into the present and let go of what no longer serves us, much faster and easier than conscious practices such as meditation or counselling.
Life is always changing, so we want our thinking to embrace change, not the thinking that tries to keep everything the same. We want thinking that highlights the positive and doesn’t dwell on the negative. We don’t want to project our fears on a situation, we want to see our lives for what they truly are. This is an inspired way to live life. This is what is possible with NeurOptimal®.

How NeurOptimal Trains Your Brain
Neuro-feedback: simply means giving the brain information about itself. The same as your eyes giving feedback as to how you look, or your ears giving feedback as to how you sound. So neurofeedback is simply signalling the brain to become aware of it’s own activity.
NeurOptimal Neurofeedback works by reading the brain’s activity through sensors on the scalp, interpreting the brain’s activity, and signalling the brain whenever it “shifts”. Then the brain decides to adjust itself or ignore the signal, and this happens hundreds of times per second!
Our brains have an orienting response that knows how to re-organize and adapt to function at its best. Similar to how our bodies know what temperature to keep our bodies at or how to heal a wound without any conscious thought or effort.
As long as the brain knows what it’s doing it is able to fix itself. The brain can get information about itself through quiet awareness like meditation, but nothing is as fast or efficient as neurofeedback for giving the brain this vital information.
“The more we are aware of our behaviour, the easier it is to change.”
Why Might Our Brains Need This Training?
Our brains are not able to function properly, re-organize or adapt if they are constantly under stress or wrapped up in constant thought. Rest and relaxation is very important for our body’s overall health and functioning. Stress has become so “normal” as a part of our daily life that we no longer see it as the major health concern that it is. We are accustomed to a “fight or flight” response that it is usually trained into our subconscious mind as an automatic response. This means our brains don’t adapt to what action needs to be taken when a problem arises, we just go straight to fight or flight mode.
This is one of the more prevalent reasons we can use Neuroptimal neurofeedback to clear out our repetitive brain patterns that we would like to change but maybe didn’t know how (or better yet, didn’t know was a problem!). How our brains got to where they are is not as important as our commitment to better our current state.
How Does the Brain Function After Training
During the journey of neurofeedback training, the brain is eliminating the unwanted and unneeded patterns it has accumulated throughout our entire lives. From birth until now the brain has done its best to protect us, while adapting to our thoughts and beliefs to best serve us navigating through life. Now our brains can clear out patterns of redundancy, worry, stress, fear and stagnation that have kept us from being our best selves.
Some more direct effects can be noticed early on like relaxing more easily to fall asleep, better memory and focus, and more joy and connection with loved ones and peers. Although, as worry and fear start to fade away and confidence grows, this is where the real transformation happens in our lives.
Maybe the courage to switch to the career choice we’ve always wanted comes through, or the motivation to start eating healthier and exercising is now present. With overactive patterns of fear and worry no longer clouding our decisions, we are free to start living the way we truly want to!