Frequently Asked Questions

Why Haven’t I Heard of Brain Training Before?

Although the concept of neurofeedback has been around for over 50 years, it is only recently that is has developed to the point of reaching the masses. NeurOptimal has been perfecting their technology and have finally come out with a system that is 100% safe, effective, affordable and requires no conscious effort by the client! It may take some time before its as common as a workout at the gym but the results speak for themselves, brain training is here to stay.

How Does it Work?
Neurofeedback can be best described as a personal trainer for your brain. By giving information to the brain about what it’s doing, it is able to make changes to become more efficient. Neurofeedback has been helping to improve brain function for over 50 years now. The process involves reading brain activity, interpreting it, and then sending subtle signals back to the brain when it needs to look at what it’s doing and adjust. NeurOptimal® can be thought of as effortless mindfulness. During a session your brain is working very hard, neurofeedback is like a coach constantly correcting the form of your brain patterns. Most people create poor habits and negative mental patterns throughout their whole lives without even knowing it. NeurOptimal® is like holding a mirror up to show the overexerted and messy areas of your brain for your central nervous system to clean up as it sees fit.
What Happens in a Session?
First, the trainer will attach 2 tiny sensors to the scalp and 3 to the ears. The sensors will pick up the faint signals coming from your brain and relay them to the NeurOptimal program. During the training you may listen to some relaxing music or watch a movie, for a little over 30 minutes. You do not have to do anything specifically during the training. The brief interruptions in the sounds and images are giving vital information to your brain subconsciously that allows it to reorganize and become more efficient based on your unique brain patterns. After the session is over a relaxed and at ease feeling may occur. Transformation with NeurOptimal® happens according to the brain’s own intrinsic wisdom, with no conscious effort from the client required.
How Many Sessions Will I Need?
This is a difficult question to answer because everyone’s central nervous system is unique and will react differently to the information it is given through NeurOptimal®. After the first 1-5 sessions many people will report feeling clearer, calmer, lighter or brighter for a few hours after the session as well as well rested, having an improved outlook and engaging more effectively with colleagues or loved ones. After 5 sessions it should be apparent if the training has shifted at least something for you. These new shifts will become what is called your ‘new normal’ and should stay with you just like learning to ride a bike. To get to your ‘new normal’ may take no more than 10 sessions! Many clients find it beneficial to continue training after their desired results to tune-up their central nervous system on a monthly or even bi-monthly basis to stay sharp.
Why Should I Use NeurOptimal Over Any Other Neurofeedback System?
NeurOptimal® is the most advanced brain training technology available today. NeurOptimal® neurofeedback systems are very different from other systems. It is completely non-invasive and non-directive because it is based on both a very different understanding about how the brain works, as well as how it is best optimized. NeurOptimal® is designed to work with the brain as an information-detection system. By simply giving the brain information about its own activity — about what it has just done— NeurOptimal® helps the brain re-organize itself, thereby activating its own intrinsic healing wisdom. As a result of training the brain becomes more stable. As its flexibility and resilience improve, problems and issues begin to fade away.
Do I Need to Bring or Do Anything in the Session?
I only recommend wearing something comfortable to sit in and an open mind. During the session the best thing to do is sit back and relax and allow any thoughts or feelings to come and go as they please. If you find it hard to relax or sit still that is perfectly okay and not a problem, we have different media available and it should get easier to relax as training continues.
What Results Will I See?

According to a NeurOptimal survey of trainers from around the world, the most common client improvements seen in order are:

  1. Sleep Quality
    2. Relaxation
    3. Calmness
    4. Mental Clarity
    5. Ability to be Present & Creativity
    6. Thought Organization & Retrieval
    7. Elevated Moods and Better Mood Regulation
    8. Productivity, Motivation & Prioritizing
  2. More Self-Awareness and Self-Connection
  3. Joy, Gratitude, Optimism & Positivity
  4. Confidence, Assertiveness & Health Boundaries
  5. Ability to Focus & Keep Attention
    13. Relationships, social behaviour & Intuition
  6. More Resilient and More Positive Outlook
  7. More Flow and Function in Every Day Life
  8. And Much, Much More!
What if the Training Doesn’t Work for Me?
There are some factors that can slow the brain’s ability to make changes. These include some severe or undiagnosed medical conditions, some medications, the client not wanting to train, having specific expectations, hormonal/sleep/hydration/nutrition imbalances, and hostile living situations. Neurofeedback training does not ‘fix’ any problems, it simply signals the brain to let go of what could be causing them. Although training can facilitate astounding changes, it is one aspect of our lives and other factors can help or constrain the speed and degree of changes. Remember everyone’s brain is different and this is a journey to your best self.
Are There Any Side Effects?
Nope. But, just like when cleaning out the garage, depending on the circumstance, things may get messier before the get cleaner. About half of all clients report zero discomforts during training. Reported discomforts are usually: feeling tired after a session, temporary increase of prior symptoms before they’re released, temporary light headaches, feeling overly relaxed or emotional, and more sensitivity to drugs (medication). These effects are short lived and are never new, as in effects have been brought out and are not created. Each “discomfort” can be thought of as the brain ‘cleaning out the garage’ for that symptom. For example anxiousness, first all the boxes are taken out of the garage (brings out our anxiousness) and then whatever is still needed is put back (proper amount of anxiousness) and now the garage is clean and organized (all excess anxiousness is released).

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