About Us

Phone: (519) 729-2989
Open Mind Wellness started in 2015 running NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback sessions. It has now grown into a premier wellness centre that provides Bio-Resonance scans, Sound Healing, PEMF Therapy, as well as Counselling & More! Our goal is to provide the most safe, effective and seamless tools to help you transform your health and well-being.
We believe the services we provide, our skilled and wonderful practitioners and our calm, relaxing environment are the perfect place to facilitate the healing, re-balancing and optimization of anyone ready for that part in their healing journey. A holistic approach to balance physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being is the key to achieving your highest potential! When you’re ready, we would love to help you get there!

Email: Jake@omwcentre.com

“As a neurofeeback trainer my job is to facilitate the personal transformation of each client to the best of my ability. Sharing insights, information and support along the training journey provides tools for each client to take control of their overall health and wellness. Brain health and function is a widely overlooked and much needed piece of optimal health and has the power to greatly improve people’s lives. I am both excited and proud to provide the tools for enhanced wellness both naturally, and seamlessly, with NeurOptimal®.”
Professional Bio
Owner and Operator of Open Mind Wellness Centre
Certified NeurOptimal® Trainer, Representative & Course Facilitator
Certified Master NLP Coach
Passion for holistic well-being and finding the optimal ways to navigate through life to enjoy more peace, joy, growth and prosperity.
Born and raised in Waterloo Region, this is where Jake provides neurofeedback sessions and support for the community.
Jake is focusing on helping others to be successful with NeurOptimal®. Through NeurOptimal® certification courses, helping others rent or buy a NeurOptimal® system, or providing support for an existing business, Jake is happy to help you through every step of the process! Click below if you’re interested in taking the next step with NeurOptimal!

Email: Srobinet1111@gmail.com

“I first heard about neurofeedback about 8 years ago and I was excited and optimistic about the possibilities it could provide for both myself and my family. Throughout my life I have been in search of answers for my overactive and stressed out brain. My lifelong search has been for holistic, natural approaches to balance mind, body and spirit. Over the past 3 years training with NeurOptimal, it has been that answer, I feel Transformed! I live in a more present and aware state that allows me to confidently flow more with life. I have always had a passion for helping people and I am very grateful to fulfill that passion now as a NeurOptimal Trainer. “
Professional Bio
Certified NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback Trainer (2018)
Level 3 Certified Tuning Practitioner
Health Food Store Owner (1997-2001)
Photographer (1988-2010)
Passion for helping others to live happier and healthier lives

Email: Renette.jsd@gmail.com

“Immigrating to Canada at a later stage of life was challenging. As a former teacher, I started volunteering at a local school and alternative learning facility. Still struggling to pull myself out of emotional distress, anxiety, insomnia and a feeling of overwhelm, I was willing to try the NeurOptimal neurofeedback brain training system. Early in training I knew that my brain, being self-organizing and self-correcting would benefit and that I needed to create the condition to support it.
The NeurOptimal training changed my life and I wanted to offer others the opportunity too. My self-confidence, mental clarity, motivation and energy returned. Today I feel unstoppable and excited about new opportunities!
The ability to remain calm and produce the right state, whenever it is necessary, is paramount to learning and brain development for the young child. My passion is to build strong minded, happy and healthy families.”
Professional Bio
Educational Kinesiology Foundation : Brain Gym (2010)
Neurological Development and Integration: Tactile Integration (2010)
Interactive Metronome Self-Study Certification Course (2012)
Cognitive Connections (2012)
Certified Neurofeedback Trainer through Zengar (2014)

As a social worker, I have always believed in “holistic approach” and integrated treatments in my client centered intervention programs. And, as an evolving social worker I always look upon opportunities where I can integrate powerful tools, towards helping my clients. And, I feel NeurOptimal training with social work based approach would be a vital tool to assist people to cope with challenges. Myself experincing the changes of NeurOptimal training and had me realise how much difference it could bring into someone’ s life.

Dr. Siobhan de Belle is a cognitive neuroscientist with an undergraduate degree in Physics and Linguistics from Concordia University, a PhD in Psychology from McGill University, and a 3-year joint Post-Doctoral Fellowship at Harvard Medical School in Neurology and at MIT in the Department of Linguistics and Philosophy. She is also licensed with the C.P.M.D.Q. as a Naturopathic Doctor, has a diploma in Sports Psychology, is a trained Neurofeedback provider, and has published her research in top scholarly academic journals (e.g. Nature, Science, Cognition). Dr. de Belle’s research has been funded by FCAR (Formation de Chercheurs et l’Aide à la Recherche), NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada) and CIHR (Canadian Institutes of Health Research), and she has taught at Harvard University, The University of Quebec at Montreal (UQAM), and Vanier & Dawson Cegeps in Montreal. Given her multidisciplinary background, Dr. de Belle works with the de Belle Centre members and her academic and clinical colleagues, to pull together all areas of expertise and present comprehensive “out-of-the-box” solutions to her clients.

Here we want to highlight the brilliance and 30 year journey of bringing NeurOptimal technology to the world by Dr. Val Brown.
Dr. Valdeane W. Brown is an internationally recognized “trainer of neurofeedback trainers”, who has taught and consulted widely on personal and organizational transformation. With a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology and a background in math, physics, computer programming, philosophy, yoga, meditation and martial arts, Dr. Brown brings a presence and precision to his work. This is further informed by a profound sense of compassion, a facility with energy dynamics and a deep commitment to revealing the elegant simplicity inherent in learning and transformation.
Developer of the Five Phase Model and co-creator with his wife Sue of the Period 3 Approach to Clinical Neurofeedback, Dr. Brown has realized his vision of a truly comprehensive training system in NeurOptimal. His vision in bringing NeurOptimal to the world is to make personal transformation effortless and available to all.
Dr. Brown had a long and varied history in the field of mental health before even pursuing his Ph.D. in Psychology. For over 25 years he taught Continuing Medical Education courses across a wide range of clinical topics including Rapid Transformation of Borderline Phenomenology, Dual Diagnosed Clients, Dynamics of Family Therapy, Working With Angry Adolescents. For many years he was a featured and keynote speaker at numerous national and international conferences in the fields of neurofeedback, child psychology, Total Quality Management, and others. Dr. Brown directs the ongoing architectural development of NeurOptimal® as well as being intimately involved in ongoing Research and Development at Zengar.
*Val is not associated with Open Mind Wellness, he is the Developer of NeurOptimal technology we use. NeurOptimal systems are used all over the world and form the basis of businesses like Open Mind Wellness to provide opportunity and personal transformation to all.
View Our Additional Community Practitioners
“Since my early 20’s I have had a dream and vision for a natural healing centre. The idea of bringing together the emerging technologies for personal health and well-being was exciting to me, where we could hand back control of personal health to each individual. I was always drawn to the potential possibilities for myself and completely fulfilled in the growth and healing of others. The first step and basis for the centre turned out to be NeurOptimal® neurofeedback.
My experience with NeurOptimal® neurofeedback came on a day I was feeling pretty upbeat. I felt good, there was nothing particularly stressful on my mind, and I was trying out this new technology that could help people in need (I didn’t think it could help me, I was already feeling great). Although I felt relatively great on this day, I did have some struggles with nervousness, worry, anxiety, stress, and sleep issues. To my surprise after my session I felt clearer, less bombarded with thoughts and more in the moment of my experience. It was very weird to me to have something alleviated that I didn’t even know was affecting me, I thought obsessive thoughts were normal.
As I continued training I felt more and more interesting experiences. I had more confidence, I slept more deeply and fell asleep faster. My movements felt better and my thoughts were more organized and fluid. I felt more joy and less suffering in the most mundane aspects of my daily life. It was awesome.
After so much improvement I was shocked and confused when some difficult feelings still came up. I felt anxiousness, worry, anger, and they all caused me stress because “Why am I feeling this way!? I’m supposed to be free from all negative feelings because of the brain training!” After the feelings passed, as they always would, I realized that the difficult feelings were less intense, and passed much more quickly than they had in the past. I realized that I couldn’t escape experiencing the more ‘uncomfortable” emotions, they are a part of life, but they were dealt with and released much more easily than before.
This brought me to view my life in a slightly different way, more like a ride, like a roller coaster. They both have peaks and valleys, which can’t be avoided, but it was how I perceived and adapted to the ride that ultimately decided my enjoyment level. Could I learn to roll with every up, down and twist of the ride or would I fear and resist every drop and turn, it’s ultimately up to me.
The past few years Open Mind Wellness has grown to include more complimentary services such as Bio-Resonance scans, Sound Healing, PEMF Therapy as well as Counselling and Coaching services. We provide health and wellness products and workshops as well to bring our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being into balance, and to allow you to experience your highest potential. I have experienced the benefits of all we provide firsthand, and am so dedicated and excited to be sharing this opportunity with others as well.”
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